Lern 2 Spel B4 I Going 2 Cr8zy

For the love of all that is precious and dear, why is it so hard to use proper spelling and grammar!?  Is the reality of Idiocracy coming to pass 500 years too soon?  This is 2018! As a member of several “virtual garage” sale and swap pages on Facebook, it SLAYS me to keep my itching fingers still when nine out of ten posts are filled with misspellings, misused words and horrid grammar! Am I right in thinking I would not be helping to correct these people? I have the best intentions to learn ’em something new and hope that it sticks but I have a feeling I’ll just be booted out for bullying or something.
It lit-erally makes me CRAZY!

Someone, just now, was talking about how much they loved the sight and they are so glad they found it.
**I love my sight too. I’m not sure where I’d be without it, but I’m glad you found yours, though I’m not sure how you found it on the interweb or how that helped you plan your wedding.

Don’t. Just, Don’t.

Here it is, short and sweet, me, telling you, what to do and not to do, again.

Don’t tell me I “look tired”.  I have a baby.  Looking tired seems inevitable, right?  If you ARE right, then I probably feel just how I look and with that, do not need the obvious brought further to my attention.  In addition, you might be right that I LOOK tired, even though I’ve finally had the opportunity to sleep a full 8 hours now for a one night, a week, months maybe, but the haggard look persists.  Maybe I don’t have the opportunity to eat as much as I should, drink my 8 glasses of water, shower properly.  Either way, unless I have a cheerio stuck to the side of my face, buggers on my sleeve, and my shirt on backwards I don’t really need my physical appearance (that, mind you, I can’t change without a day at the spa or some kind of medical procedure) pointed out to me.  I’m most likely insecure about how my appearance has changed over the last two years, on second thought, I probably don’t have time to care…regardless of whether I care of don’t, it’s not your job to waggle your pity finger in my face about how tired I look or scold me about taking better care of myself.  I’ll figure it out, eventually.  Let me drag my exhausted self around in peace and worry about other things that matter.  Like whether my baby is eating too many simple carbohydrates, enough protein or too much fruit.  Like getting to work on time, remembering to finish all my daily tasks before my brain shuts off only to be reawakened by the “what’s for dinner” routine.

Ask me about my kid. He’s all I want to talk about, really, if we’re being honest, and I am.  I mean, he’s obviously the most adorable child that has graced this world.  He’s spirited, has more character than we know what to do with and every day brings something new!  Ask me about that rather than waste time talking about the Mary Poppin size bags under my eyes, which I’ve come to accept will be the case for the rest of my life. I really don’t like talking about me. So, please, take a moment to think about what it is you really want from our interaction. Also, consider the consequences of ticking off an under-rested lady!

This has been another public service announcement from your friendly (yet sometimes not so friendly) and brutally honest, neighborhood finger waggler.


To my mom: no this does not pertain to you, well, maybe sometimes.


Week 32 – So Lovely To Meet You…

After a week from hell personally and nationally, I had been looking forward to things getting back to normal.  We had a our 32 week appointment and our second week of childbirth class on Wednesday.  We haven’t been to the office for about a month and Hubs wasn’t able to make it to our last appointment so it was something to be anticipated to go together again and hear Jr’s heartbeat and see how he’s doing.  I also like to find out what position he is in so I know what body part of his happens to be the one lodged under my ribs or is punching me in the hip bone.  At the practice we go to, we are required to have appointments with all five of the providers at least once, throughout the pregnancy.  Wednesday was the first time meeting this particular provider and I have to say, she left something to be desired in the “first impression” department.  Regardless of the fact that the entire 32 weeks up to this point, have gone exceptionally smooth, including passing my glucose and iron tests with flying colors and not having a single complaint or concern (other than my mental sanity, that has been on a maintenance path since the beginning); this woman decided that she needed to come in, with no introduction, and grill me about my weight gain within the last month.  While I can admit, I haven’t been as active as pre-pregnancy Ali or as active as pregnant Ali should be, the lack of tact is what throws me into this rant.  I’m a self-conscious individual and I spend plenty of time judging myself into a guilt-ed frenzy.  Losing almost full control of my body these last seven months has been, to put it lightly, a challenge for me.  We eat healthy and consciously and I rarely fully indulge


beyond a bowl of ice cream a few nights a week.  I haven’t become a complete couch potato and don’t avoid exercise though I know a 30 minute walk could become more of a frequent event.  Despite all of these things, on top of never meeting this woman, she comes in, doesn’t even introduce herself,

Enough ranting.  and starts making what seems like a monumental deal of the extra poundage with no explanation as to how it could have such a negative effect on what has so far been a very healthy and positive pregnancy.  I spent the whole time on the pedestal of inferiority feeling judged and shamed at what I ate for breakfast, my sleeping habits and my lack of exercise, not to mention the now apparent damage it’s left me with as I feel even more frustrated and self-conscious about what’s happening to my body.  Thanks lady, so great to meet you and congrats on dredging up all the suppressed body image issues I’ve worked so hard to suppress…

On a more positive note, we had a brief meeting with our bank this morning and after signing more paper work, we discussed where we stand, a week after submitting our application.  It looks like the initial underwriting test has been passed so we’re pretty much personally in the clear which is a pretty relieving and exciting step.  It’s also very welcomed good news after a week of an overwhelming amount of bad news.  We now just have to wait for the appraisal to be scheduled and processed in a second underwriting phase.  We’ve got our fingers crossed that it’s quick and efficient so that our closing date can be moved this side of June.  I’ve started collecting boxes from the PB warehouse and now that Nate’s transitioned full time to the VT state ski team for the spring, the yearly packing project will recommence.  Speaking of the yearly move, I don’t think anyone has any idea how excited I am to realize this is our last move for at least 5 years!  We’ve moved every year for at least the past seven years and shoot will it be nice to actually settle in to a place of our own!   Not only that but it’ll be perfect timing for Jr. to have his own room and we’ll get to do whatever we want to it!  My addiction to Pinterest can now have an actual purpose!

With a week filled with ups and downs, we very much look forward to these increasingly positive turns that accompany the increasingly warm and sunny days.  So here’s to things looking up!

Until next time.

~Ali G